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Saturday, November 03, 2007 

Blogger update

I have been told it is only some servers which are not blocking Blogger. Some people still can't access it without going through 'other' methods.

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You have written a full page with big title that Bloggers are unblocked in Syria. When others corrected you, you wrote two lines about that and with a title “Blogger update”.
You did not apologize for your erroneous post. Don’t you think that you are loosing credibility this way?

After couple of years of the introduction of the world wide to see the bloggers community in Syria grew to around100 blogs, this is very small number comparing with small country like Israel for example. The big bang of 5000 years of hiatus interrupted with the introduction of the blogging, and you come defend the authority and err the bloggers. You said that the authoritarian sate did not do anything wrong, the blogger are wrong and they did not blocked the blogsphere. Shame on you to claim you wish the best for your country.

dear Sassa,
you say"I have been told it is only some servers which are not blocking Blogger"
I said blogspot, not blogger.
Law samaht dear Sassa you made me look like someone who does not speak the truth.

p.s. What touched me is that after Yazan's terrible loss, the ban was lifted on blogspot to allow us to post comments to our grieving friend.

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  • Written by sasa
  • From Damascus, Syria
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