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Saturday, August 04, 2007 

Blogging Jordan's first private TV channel

ATV, Jordan's first TV channel was taken off air before it even started, in the spirit of free Arab media.

Here's how Jordan's bloggers are dealing with it:

Roba: "Are you telling me that after all the years worth of preparing and all the money poured into campaigning, the ATV staff, who already have experience with media and the way things are done in Jordan due to Al-Ghad Newspaper, uh, forgot to complete their paperwork? What, it just slipped their minds?"

And on the other side of the fence...

Black Iris: "ATV has been the on-again off-again satellite station that is the first private news network in Jordan. ... They’ve been seen filming and filming and filming all over town; archiving and archiving and archiving. Is it possible that in all the hustle and bustle…they forgot to submit the paperwork?!"

Maybe they ran an article critical of the Playstation 3 and claimed that the Xbox was better?

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  • Written by sasa
  • From Damascus, Syria
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