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Wednesday, June 06, 2007 

Shame on us

I waited yesterday to see who would mention the fortieth anniversary of the Israeli occupation of Syria's Golan Heights, plus Gaza and the West Bank (including east Jerusalem).

The blogosphere is silent.

But we go mad when a handful of people are wrongly imprisoned, or when we have silly elections.

And Syria is silent too. We have parties for Bashar, but no memorial for the Golan.

So are the 'activists' in the West. The biggest event in London yesterday was a kite-flying protest organised by Jews for Justice for Palestinians. It was an awareness raising thing, and highly commendible. But it was a drop in a very very calm ocean.

Wassim has done a great job though. And Dubai Jazz (NEW LINK - apologies for missing you first time round) has an excellent personal tale. Thank you also to Yazan for republishing the Creative Syria discussion. And Phillip and the Syrian Brit have mentioned the anniversary in the past month (thanks Yazan).

I hope there are others I've missed. Please let me know.

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i know! i feel bad..

Hi Sasa,
Not that I am defending myself...but I posted about the anniversary..(although in my own way..)

Golaniya .. where is the article you were supposed to send?


Dubai Jazz and Sasa,

I'm sorry I did not include you in the original email I sent to the bloggers I know and communicate with more frequently.

Please feel free to send me anything you want to publish through creative syria's contact us tab.

There will be more articles coming soon, and more Israelis will participate in the discussions. I hope you join Yazan and Wassim int he comments section. That's whee some of the more interesting discussions are happening.

Yazan thank you so much for your efforts.


Thanks Sasa! Don't be too hard on Golaniya, she does have her hands full with this whole Cold Water thing going on now.


Golaniya and Wassim,

When I wrote the post, my mind was on Golaniya...I really really didn't want her to think I was pointing the finger at her. She is one of the few bloggers to write on these subjects. And she has done an incredible job on Nahr Al Bared. Really commendible. I completely understand she hasn't had time to write yet.

Dubai Jazz,

I'm SOOOOOO sorry for missing you out. I love your post! It is exactly why I liked Wassim's post so much - personal memories.


Thank you for the offer, it sounds interesting - I would love to contribute.

some other bloggers posted well before the the anniversary,
check syrian brit,

or philip

but i agree, somehow u'd still feel that we are not as furious as should be.

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  • Written by sasa
  • From Damascus, Syria
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