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Friday, June 15, 2007 

On Gaza

Far be it from me to praise Hamas - who don't seem to be shy of playing their part in Palestine's civil war - but who is carrying out a coup against who?

Hamas controls the government after a landslide election. Abbas sacks Haniyeh and dismisses the government and takes total control himself.

A political party (Fateh) still controls Palestine's security departments, even though it was voted out of power. And Hamas's takeover of these buildings is called "seizing control".

This misreporting is because anyone can call themself a Middle East Expert just because they spent a week in Tel Aviv.

If Hamas ends up with Gaza, and Fateh with the West Bank - these two self-serving parties will have done more to kill the Palestinian dream than Israel.


So now they've gone from a two-state solution to a three-state solution!

What a riot, what a carry one. Gaza may be too old to play for England but he can still party with the best of them. Gaza strip, no stop it! Gaza put that comedy bra back on now! It may be kinky but it's not nice:)))))

Looks sunny there, is it Spain?

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  • Written by sasa
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