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Monday, June 25, 2007 

Israeli colonialists living in the Syrian Golan Heights say no to a peace deal

"If any agreement was reached, it's very likely that the Jewish population would be forced to leave the territory."

Sami Khyiami, Syria's Ambassador to London last week said the settlers would be allowed to stay. It's unlikely many would accept that offer.



What else is it to be expected?

Anyway, I dropped by to tell you I've dedicated you my new post

I was there when he said it, I certainly got the impression from him that they could stay.

Ah, I wasn't aware Khyiami said it at SOAS, i thought it was a different event. Thanks Wassim.

Yazan, brilliant, thanks for the link - I've put that in the main post.

Puppeteer - what can I say! I'm speechless. What a wonderful post, I will link to it.


Well I did hear him say something along those lines when I was at SOAS. He may have said it at another event too. :S

Puppeteer, I read your post and it's really good. But if you would accept a word of advice from a fellow Syrian blogger. One of the things which I feel let's down English language Syrian blogs is the lack of spelling and grammatical mistakes. Sometimes it pays off to hold on publishing until you check and recheck and read it "as the reader" if that makes sense.

This way your point comes across much more clearly and the article becomes less 'annoying' to read as you don't have to tiptoe around the spelling mistakes and grammar. People don't realise it, but these things stick out like a sore thumb and they can be put off by it.


Not that my articles are perfect ;)

Spell checked :)

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