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Sunday, May 20, 2007 

Update: at least 48 now dead in Tripoli

The death toll keeps rising. 48 now dead. Many more injured. And far more trapped inside the camp.

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The brave Lebanese army has now been given permission to show how it maintains a 'monopoly on force' in the country. Strangely it is always Palestinian refugee camps which bear the brunt of these 'brave' operations. Not that I condone the Fateh al Islam group.

Stop! Or I'll serve you tea.

"SYRIA OUT!!" Right, Zionist Lebanese ****ers? It didn't take a brain to figure out what would happen with Syria not being there to balance out the Lebanese stupidity. Enjoy yet another civil war, dumbasses of the Middle East. You will be begging for Syria to come back, just like how Iraq is begging for Saddam to be brought back to life. There is no life in the Arab world without Syria.

The above comments dont even deserve a reply to the syrian dingbatted terrorists, and believe me, SYRIA WILL NEVER SET FOOT IN LEBANON AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You can all go to hell, you pack of SCUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Your comments, syria almighty are pretty lame, considering that SYRIA is stirring up all this violence..

It doesnt take a brain to figure out that SYRIA is stirring up all this violence TO GET BACK IN...

SYRIA OUT once and for all...

And Sasa, you can stick your tea up where the sun dont shine....

^ lol, Stupid Lebanese. You will never learn.

Hey syria almighty, you truly are an INBRED.....


Now that truly is a SPADE CALLING A SPADE...

Lol, Syria Almighty, go back to Canada.

Says the guy with the weasel Bashar on his cake. XD

You know what's a lot better country than Syria?

Every. Especially Israel. goddamn i love zionism.

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  • Written by sasa
  • From Damascus, Syria
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