Never ending
Fifty-nine years in exile.
And wherever they flee, they face persecution by the same people who denounce Israel for its crimes. In Lebanon, Palestinians are sub-human and barely allowed to work, or build new houses. In Syria, they live in better conditions than any other refugees in the region, but still suffer racism at the hands of their neighbours.
They are resented too, in Jordan. And in Iraq they have been kicked out of their homes - refugees for a second time - and trapped on the border because their neighbours won't let them in.
The catastrophy continues.
59 by Roba, Jordan
The Exodus by Nas, Jordan
15 May 1948 by Serene, Lebanon
59th. Memory of Al Nakba, by Golaniya, Syria
For Palestinians, memory matters by George, United States
Al Nakba, 59 years on, by BuJ, United Arab Emirates
Nakba Day, by Anglo-Libyan, UK