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Thursday, March 22, 2007 

Syria's co-operation

...with the US:
American Colonel William Crowe, in charge of the Iraq-Syria border Syria and Iraq says: "there is no large influx of foreign fighters that come across the border."

...with the Hariri inquiry:
“The last three missions in particular were arranged and facilitated in a professional and timely manner by the Syrian authorities.” Syria “has continued to provide the commission with assistance in response to its requests within the appropriate timescales, and the commission is grateful for the logistical and security arrangements provided by Syrian authorities.” (Serge Brammertz).

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Can I have a link to the first paragraph, Sasa?

Hi Sasa,
Apologises in advance if my comment does not refer to this post.
I have just read the discussion between anonymous and you and I have found it really interesting, even though I surely am not as informed as you are about Syrian issue, obviously.

"I'll tell you why - Syria is under seige by Israel and the US, while Jordan receives more US aid than any other country in the world (except for Israel)."
this was what you said. Are you blaming USA and Israel for your country's situation?
Only a little point of curiosity..

Hi Syria Almighty - yes: here.

No Patrick, it is not their fault. But the threats - militarily from Israel, and economic from the US have certainly given strength to those hardliners in the Syrian government who want to hold back progress.

There isn't much appetite for political reform and change, when outsiders are threatening you.

If Syria was on good terms with the rest of the world - and indeed receiving billions of dollars in US aid, then for sure, the militarists and hardliners in Syria wouldn't be in the ascendency, that's for sure.

the syrian president is running and eventually doomed...

He knows his time is coming, and this relationship with Iran is an excuse to buy time...

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  • Written by sasa
  • From Damascus, Syria
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