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Sunday, February 11, 2007 

Old and young

I like this post. Old and young.

It says so much. How mobiles are taking over e v e r y o n e ' s lives, making even the grandparents look like teenagers again. And how the little people become less little everyday.

Maybe it wasn't that profound. I just like it.

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This does not have anything to do with this post.
The question is:
Syria's main ally for yeeears is in the ME, Putin. Why aren't there any plans to visit Syria? is this a blow to Assad or what is it?
somebody explain..

Hi Lorenz,

Bashar went to Moscow in the past cpuple of months. Recently, he stood up for Syria at the UN. He demanded the UN release the names of the countries blocking the Hariri investigation (suspected to be the US, France and Israel). He has taken a stand for Syria. He hasn't visited Damascus recently, but that doesn't mean ties are weak.


Hi, I'm very much interested in one thing. WHen I was in Damascus, in Umayyades Mosque, I've seen there a group of prayers, men and women. They looked not like others. All the women were dressed in clothes of bright or pale coloures, which were looking like a long skirt and a pelerine with a small hood. EVery particular woman was in the dress of "her own" color, e.g. yellow, pink, pale or blue, witn the single picture on the dress, like a sunflower, or just a flower. All the men were dressed in white. They were crowding around the Saint John's shrine, and then settled for a pray - women formed two rows behind their husbands. I felt they are not regular Syrians, do you have any ideas about them? Thank you.

Hi Sasa.

Thanks for a good answer. But there is still one more thing i'd like to know. He is in the ME, why not visit his main ally? isn't that just a symbolic thing to do?
Everytime Condi Rice is in the ME she just HAS to visit Israel, what's different here?

Btw, great site, great articles and u are doing one he*l of a great job!

Mila: thanks for your comment, I don't know about the people you are talking about. Can anyone else help?

Lorenz: thanks for your kind compliments! I don't know why he's not visiting Damascus, but it's certainly not a snub to Syria, and Putin certainly isn't scared of America! It may be that his visit to the region is all about economics - in that field, Syria doesn't have a lot to offer Russia.

eferring to the post "americana" I think Syria does not get an answer for the same reason Iraq govt does not receive a positive response to its call for stopping backing jhiadist insurgents (support in man, weapons and safe place for terrorist) I think even that Syria does not get an answer for the same reason Western countries do not receive a positive response to their request for stopping backing hezbollah..that's all

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  • Written by sasa
  • From Damascus, Syria
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