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Thursday, September 28, 2006 

Hizbollah denies thanking Saudi for their 'support' during the war on Lebanon

Saudi newspaper Al-Watan yesterday published an incredible article in which Hizbollah leader Sayyid Hasan Nasrallah thanked Saudi Arabia for their support during the Israel-Lebanon war.

That is an incredible claim because at the start of the war Saudi criticised Hizbollah for their 'adventurism'. And for that, Saudi Arabia earned the praise of Israel, leading to talks between Israel and Saudi.

So why would Hizbollah thank Saudi.

Well, today, Nasrallah has denied thanking them, and embarrasingly, denied being interviewed by Al-Watan. Another nail in the coffin for Arab journalism.

Arab newspapers are like the tabloid papers in the west full of lies ,at least in the west people know that these papers are lying ,In the Arab world people have faith in the newspapers and they should not and untill jornalistic responsiblity becomes the rule i do not think they should have freedom of prints untill they prove that they are not liers .

mmm......norman....this is not democratic..it sound really ditattorial. In the same way everyone who lies should be hissed??freedom of speech and of print are great values, i think not only for westerners, aren't they?

When deffimation becomes a crime in the Arab countries then freedom of speach can mean something ,freedom of speach means critisising others depending on truth otherwise it is deffimation,if the rule that are in the west are in the Arab countries then i do not have any problem with freedom of speach actualy i wish they will understand the jornalistic rules that aply in the west ie the US where i live .

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