Help the Arab world clean up Palestine from the filthy Zionist garbage. They need to be obliterated NOW if anyone ever wants world peace. Stop spreading lies about the Arabs.
Israel--un resolutions violated, ignored=68/ countries attacked, invaded, violated=egypt, jordan, iraq, lebanon, syria, tuisia. countries occupied for years, egypt, lebanon, syria/ territoy illegaly anexed golan hightes jerusalem, palistine, isreal has nukes. but are under no UN sanctions. Isreal should be Stoped by any means necessary!
How many wars are taking place right now? At the beginning of 2003 there were 30 wars going on around the world. These included conflicts in Afghanistan, Algeria, Burundi, China, Colombia, the Congo, India, Indonesia, Israel, Iraq, Liberia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, the Philippines, Russia, Somalia, Sudan, and Uganda.
How dangerous is war for civilians? Very dangerous. Between 1900 and 1990, 43 million soldiers died in wars. During the same period, 62 million civilians were killed. More than 34 million civilians died in World War II. One million died in North Korea. Hundreds of thousands were killed in South Korea, and 200,000 to 400,000 in Vietnam. In the wars of the 1990s, civilian deaths constituted between 75 and 90 percent of ALL war deaths.
I can't believe the DEMANDS that they cease fire over 50 people in one building, especially when you compare the numbers to WWII. We all know that aprox 6 million Jews were extinguished from existance, but did you know that 60 million overall died in WWII? Including 38,573,000 civilians?
From Damascus to London via Beirut. Based in and out of the central Damascene hamlet of Saroujah.
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Help Israel clean up southern Lebannon. Stop spreading lies about Israel
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:51 am
Help the Arab world clean up Palestine from the filthy Zionist garbage. They need to be obliterated NOW if anyone ever wants world peace. Stop spreading lies about the Arabs.
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:57 am
Israel--un resolutions violated, ignored=68/ countries attacked, invaded, violated=egypt, jordan, iraq, lebanon, syria, tuisia. countries occupied for years, egypt, lebanon, syria/ territoy illegaly anexed golan hightes jerusalem, palistine, isreal has nukes. but are under no UN sanctions. Isreal should be Stoped
by any means necessary!
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:07 am
How many wars are taking place right now?
At the beginning of 2003 there were 30 wars going on around the world. These included conflicts in Afghanistan, Algeria, Burundi, China, Colombia, the Congo, India, Indonesia, Israel, Iraq, Liberia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, the Philippines, Russia, Somalia, Sudan, and Uganda.
How dangerous is war for civilians?
Very dangerous. Between 1900 and 1990, 43 million soldiers died in wars. During the same period, 62 million civilians were killed. More than 34 million civilians died in World War II. One million died in North Korea. Hundreds of thousands were killed in South Korea, and 200,000 to 400,000 in Vietnam. In the wars of the 1990s, civilian deaths constituted between 75 and 90 percent of ALL war deaths.
I can't believe the DEMANDS that they cease fire over 50 people in one building, especially when you compare the numbers to WWII. We all know that aprox 6 million Jews were extinguished from existance, but did you know that 60 million overall died in WWII? Including 38,573,000 civilians?
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:50 pm