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Thursday, October 27, 2005 

Lebanon arrests two more Hariri suspects

Lebanon has arrested two more Islamists, friends of Mahmud Abdul-Al, who was arrested on Saturday.

At the weekend it was announced that Syria has also arrested Abdul-Al's right-hand-man.

The Islamists involved are all thought to be Sunni fundamentalists.

Al ahbash is a sect with close ties to the alawite regime and political allies of the pro syrian shia parties like Amal and Hezballah, but they hates all the other sunni traditional parties and specialy jama3a al islamiya or lebanese muslim brotherhood.sasa you need to read more before posting!
Since the begining,al ahbash were informer for the syrian moukhabarat and granted 1 parliement seat in parliements of asad's era in lebanon.

al ahbash are part of the gang ,the syrian security apparatus is the head of the snake.

At first glance, the Association of Islamic Philanthropic Projects (Jam' iyyat al-Mashari' al-Khairiyya al-Islamiyya), more commonly known as al-Ahbash, appears to be a grassroots Islamist organization, much like those that have sprouted up throughout the Middle East over the last few decades. In reality, the group is largely a propaganda tool used by Syria's secular, Alawite-dominated regime to combat Islamic fundamentalism, manipulate the Lebanese Sunni Muslim community, and gain acceptance for the Alawite sect within Islamic religious circles.

Syria's control over al-Ahbash has been clearly evident in recent weeks. After a number of prominent Sunni Muslim figures in Lebanon expressed opposition to the Syrian occupation, members of al-Ahbash were quickly mobilized by Syrian intelligence to stage a series of rallies on April 11. Dressed in black and wearing face paint and masks, the al-Ahbash members chanted pro-Syrian slogans before the TV cameras while waving nail-encrusted broomsticks, kitchen knives, brass knuckles, chains, axes, old rusted swords and hammers.

Anon 2:43

sasa you need to read more before posting!

don't bother...

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  • Written by sasa
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