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Monday, August 15, 2005 

International pressure group forces Syrian government to set up new radio station in Homs

Homs is set to get a new radio ststion, after an international media workshop took place in the city.

The workshop was organised by British media organisation, the Press Association. The PA is Britain's official news agency, but organised a conference in the central Syrian city to discuss the rights and responsibilities of media outlets.

It's an attempt to develop Syria's state-owned media. Recently, a private investor announced he was to set up Syria's first private TV channel.

After the gathering, Homs governor Muhammad Iyad Ghazal said that the new station was part of the government's widely anticipated 'administrative reform', and that the radio station would be run by journalists free of government interference. It'll all take place under the watchful eye of the PA.

wow ,a free indipendent RESPOSIBLE radio station in my home town Homs,Syria seems to be changing rapidly and to the better,God bless and protect syria and it,s goverment.naim

Syria could do ANYTHING to make itself as "free" as America, but it wont stop the Zionist trash media, and Zionist controlled America from saying "Syria is the most horrible, oppressed nation in the world."

God bless Syria, and protect her from the poisonous hands of Zion.

what you said is accurate but what is important that the syrian see how much the goverment is trying to improve the situation ,they are the most important people to syria,naim.

once again, blame israel for all your ills and problems.

Typical stuff, that King Lion and his puppy have force fed you for many decades ---

After Syrian troops and intelligence units staged a ceremonial leave-taking from Lebanon Tuesday, Syrian president Assad reactivated the defunct External Intelligence Agency.

Straight from officiating at the leave-taking ceremony, General Roustum Ghazalah, Syrian military intelligence chief in Lebanon, and his 300 officers, received a presidential directive to carry on with their former undercover duties in Lebanon, operating out of Damascus from the EIA.

This is something that I would expect Syria to try and do. They need Lebanon for money, and will no doubt try and use local contacts, plus Hizb'allah, to keep as much money flowing their way as they can. Fortunately for the people of Lebanon, I don't think it will work.

Fuad Siniora: "I don't believe there is a single intelliegence agent left in this country".

UN investigators: "There is no evidence for any foreign activities in Lebanon - all troops and intelligence have been withdrawn."

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  • Written by sasa
  • From Damascus, Syria
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