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Wednesday, July 20, 2005 

Hariri murder: suspect named

An ally of Lebanese President Emile Lahoud, Mustafa Hamdan, is suspected of the murder of Rafiq Al-Hariri.

Hamdan is the head of the presidential guard, and was named by the head of the UN investigation into the murder.

In other news, the composition of the new Lebanese government has become clear. 13 of the 24 member cabinet are pro-Syria, an indication that opposition-leader, Siniora is seeking a close relationship with neighbouring Syria.

It's a positive step following weeks of petty arguments between the two neighbours. Lebanese truck drivers blame Syria for excessive delays. And today Syria discovered weapons at the border. Syria is also seeking compensation for the Syrian civilians murdered in Beirut in the days after Hariri's murder.

SNW, very interesting.

Good blog; I've linked to you on www.mepolitiks.blogspot.com.

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Now we have to see if they blame Syria again ,THE RELATION BETWEEN sYRIA AND Lebanon reminds with an old story about ayoung man who killed his cousin by axcedent,the mother of the dead man wanted his murderer life,The father said after along pause(We lost one son we do not wnt to lose another)and he forgave the cousin,that is the status between Syria and Lebanon ,our heart and emmotion want reveng for the ungratfull and insulting lebanese but our mind and forsite reminds with what my uncle told when i was talking to him about freindship and brotherhood,He said(YOUR BROTHER IS YOUR BROTHER EVEN IF HE IS NOT YOUR FREIND,THAT IS WHAT MAKES US ARABS ,BLOOD IS STRONGER THAN WATER,SO LEBANON IS SYRIA,S BROTHER EVEN IF NOT THE CLOSE FREIND WE THOUGHT IT WAS.NAIM/USA

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