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Wednesday, May 04, 2005 

Lebanese PM complains: Syrian troops are still on our land

Lebanon's Prime Minister Najib Al-Miqati has insisted that the Syrian army base at Deir Al-Ashayier is actually on Lebanese land.

He says that he'll discuss the base when he makes his first foreign trip as PM, to Damascus on Wednesday.

Locals are angry that their Syrian neighbours didn't withdraw along with the 14,000 Syrian troops based in Lebanon. Fahed Ayoub, head of Deir al-Ashayier municipality says he is gathering proof to demonstrate that the base is on their side of the border.

Deir Al-Ashayier is in an undemarcated mountainous area. The border has never been clearly defined. Syria insists the base is 300 meters inside Syria, but Lebanese locals complain that it's actually a few hundred meters on their side of the border. The truth is, no-one knows.

The base in this border region was established years before 1976, when Syrian troops flooded across the border to quell the civil war. And troops at this base never fell under the command of the Syrian Army in Lebanon.

The two countries have set up a joint committee to decide which side of the border the base is on.

Oh come on, they took Iskenderoun from us, they took Hatay, they took Golan, and now they want to take land on the border? Syria keeps getting smaller...

The other "they's" is your business.
This "they" is our business...

If the border means that much to you surely you'd mark it?

With all the things to worry about in the world - not least the Occupied Golan Heights, Occupied Sheba farms, and Occupied Palestine. And we are fighting over 100 meters of land!

Can't someone move their arrogance back a hundred meters? Move the Syrian base 100 meters back!

What? The Lebanese care about a "tiny strip of land"? I thought they didn't care about Shebaa for that reason....

You're dead wrong buddy. We kicked them out from the south, we're kicking them from Shebaa and soon will be out, and Shebaa is lebanese, and we will kick you out for as long as we live...

and then start kicking eachother??

so be it...

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