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Tuesday, March 22, 2005 

Brazillian newspaper: Israel killed Hariri

Brazil's highest circulation daily paper the Buenos Aires Clarin carries an astonishing claim that Israel and the US were behind the assasination of Rafiq Hariri.

Today's awesome article goes further. The US and Israel wanted huge pressure to be put on Syria to withdraw its troops from Lebanon, and be sent to Iraq!

Please give us the name of the newspaper and a link to the article.


It's from the Buenos Aires Clarin. I got the translation via the AP wires:

The following is a selection of political highlights from
the Argentine press on 21 March:

Buenos Aires Clarin: the United States and Israel could be responsible for the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri, that the United States was pressuring Syria to withdraw its troops from Lebanon and to send them to Iraq. (Buenos Aires Clarin (Internet
Version-WWW) in Spanish - nationalist, tabloid-format daily;
highest-circulation newspaper).

Very nice blog you have heree

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