Anti-government demo broken up in Damascus
About 100 human rights activists protested today in Damascus.
Their demo was broken up by a similar number of pro-government supporters on a counter-march. The incredible scenes are thought to have occurred outside the court and in Merjeh.
No arrests are reported.
The demo occured a day after the largely spontaneous march in support of Bashar - the largest demonstration in the last 40 years in Syria.
Has the largely peaceful turf war in the highest levels of government spread down to even Merjeh now?
You did not mention that the anti-government people were beaten up by the pro-government ones
Posted by Anonymous | 3:18 am
According to the person who was there: they were 'forced out' but there was no violence. They were crowded out of the two places they were in but no one was injured.
He's also stressed that he isn't anti-government but pro-reform. He says that makes him more of a patriot than the chanting idiots who forced him out. And besides, it also makes him closer to reformist Bashar!
The thing that surprised me is that he, and none of his friends were arrested. In last year's demo 20 people were arrested and released a couple of hours later.
Posted by sasa | 12:36 am