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Monday, December 23, 2019 

[A-103]....reputable foreign companies needed to work as partners in " THE PROJECT RE-BUILD IRAQ "

Salaam to you,
I would like to discuss the possibility of your company with email address: lio119.haha@blogger.com partaking in government bulk supply contracts to Iraq over a 5 year period. Abundant natural and human resources enabled Iraq to become the most prosperous country in the Middle East in the 1970's after years of heavy conflict and economic uncertainty, a window of opportunity for Iraqi political process and people opened up accompanying that window is a mighty vacuum for increased commercial engagements between foreign investors/companies and there Iraqi counterparts.The recent security and economic "vacuum" created by the surge offers real hope for business that Iraq will regain its status as a beacon of prosperity in the heart of the Middle East.
It is important that business maintains its focus and concentrates on actionable, achievable goals that will advance Iraqi economic development efforts, creating jobs and greater economic opportunity for both foreigners and Iraqi citizens. Now that the war in Iraq is over much emphasis in Iraq has turned to rebuilding a stable, viable and vibrant economy, the Source of funds to be utilised for this projects are from World Bank , the World Bank has established a Private Sector Development (PSD) Trust Fund (TF) to help in the re-building process by name "THE PROJECT RE-BUILD IRAQ". This initiative "THE PROJECT RE-BUILD IRAQ" is to encourage jobs, growth, re-building of all infrastructures and additional investment in every sector of Iraq in totality.
A Multi-Donor Trust Fund was established with the support of DFID, this organisation the DFID has a plan of contributing US$9.3 billion over a five year period between January 1st 2018 to December 30th 2023, its expected that this funding should be fully utilised and exhausted in the total overhauling and restructuring of Iraq, the Iraq Reconstruction Management Office(IRMO) have a renewed mandate from the government of Iraq to partner with the Ministry of Trade (MOT), both agencies are to solicit, evaluate and recommend reputable foreign companies to work as partners in "THE PROJECT RE-BUILD IRAQ", with streams for bulk supplies coming up and available we would like to re-confirm your company with email address: lio119.haha@blogger.com willingness to participate in "THE PROJECT RE-BUILD IRAQ" by direct bulk supply of your products/services en-masse and on long-term bases(5 year period) to the Iraqi Government.
We are in the process of selecting companies like yours to participate major projects in "THE PROJECT RE-BUILD IRAQ" initiative, these developmental  projects entails supplying various items for the Humanitarian Aid & Reconstruction Projects scheduled for the all the Provinces of Iraq. At this stage of we are determined to purchase your products/services (whichever as the case maybe) in large quantities, for use in all over our 18 provinces as the task of re-building Iraq covers every single sector and facet of our society. Please view the link below to know more "THE PROJECT RE-BUILD IRAQ" initiative:
A consideration also is that your quotation must be CIF Port of Umm Qasr (or the Jordanian Port of Aqaba); its also pertinent to inform all new and old contractors that we also have in place Ad-hoc disbursement centers in Europe which are now been utilized to expedite payments to all contractors. Please do re-confirm by return correspondence to our email below your interest in order to enable us send the detailed procedures and the accompanying questionnaire for profiling of your company. Thank you for your co-operation.
Yours Faithfully,
Rafia Akbari (Engr.)
Executive Director (Strategic Sourcing)
Tel: +964-750-211-9067 EXT 102(Arab speaking), +44-70-319-028315 EXT 105(English speaking)
Fax: +964-780-380-0101, +44-70-240-10405
Please reply strictly to: contracts@irmo-gov.org
Information contained in this email is intended for the use of the addressee only, is confidential and may be legally privileged. Any dissemination, distribution, copying or use of this communication without prior permission of the sender is strictly prohibited.
Sent from IRMO Server 2 @ 4:56:31 AM on 12/23/2019

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