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Thursday, May 22, 2008 

Israel agrees to withdraw to 1967 armistice line

Syria claims that Israel has agreed to withdraw to the 1967 armistice line and hand back the Golan Heights.

This would equal what Ehud Barak offered in 2000. But it would mean a tiny part of the Golan captured in 1948 remains in Israeli hands. That is the key sticking point, because that 10 metre strip of land allows access to Lake Tiberias - an essential source of water.

Israel isn't commenting on the claim - but says these talks are being carried out with the failure of past negotiations in mind - that suggests they know what Syria wants: Lake Tiberias.

The US, EU and Palestinian president have welcomed the talks. And Israel's Prime Minister has warned his country to be ready for "painful concessions".

It Is Not "Israel" ...It's our stupid prime minister ...he can agree as long as he want ...he will not live to see that happen.

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