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Saturday, May 17, 2008 

Happy families

Three war criminals and a thief.

What a beautiful sight. Hold on to that image, they'll be killing eachother soon, when the one-trick pony March 14 alliance crumbles.

Left to right: Sa'ad Hariri, son of Rafiq Hariri. Amin Gemayal, son of Pierre Gemayal. Walid Junblatt, son of Kamal Junblatt. Samir Jaja, son of a bitch.

I can also count another 3 war criminals/thieves. Wanna take a wild guess?

Go ahead...

check this
it's funny


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the dictator of qardaha is criminal and thief,son of criminal and thief.
sasa al saruji, do u know one assad family member who is not criminal and thief?it's not gaegea who killed 50 000 syrian civilians and 20 000 palestinians in Lebanon and putting in jail intellectuals.
best regards

It's weird how some people think...

If someone says that Jaeja is a war criminal...they assume he is hailing the Assad regime and start remind him/her of the what the Assad family did!

People, you can actually say that Assad is a dictator and at the same time say that Jaejae at al are criminal even though they are opposing Assad (for now). The enemy of your enemy...is NEVER your friend..unless you have a high level of hypocracy in your blood.

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  • Written by sasa
  • From Damascus, Syria
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