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Saturday, April 26, 2008 

Explosive claims

But what's behind it?

Claims that Syria was trying to build a nuclear reactor with North Korean help tell us more about the US than they do about Syria.

There's nothing new here. These accusations were leveled when Israel destroyed a building in Syria with an air raid last September. Now the US has produced photographic 'evidence' and given it to the UN nuclear agency. But they're not happy - the IAEA is furious at the delay in handing these photos over.

So why the delay? Look at the timing. It comes on the day America is about to finish negotiating with North Korea. And it comes two days after Israel revealed it was willing to return the whole Occupied Golan Heights in return for a peace treaty with Syria.

It is the biggest news story in the west about Syria for many many years. But even the right-wing media seem sceptical. The Colin Powell Iraqi WMD presentation has had an effect.

There is speculation even on the BBC (which normally steers away from comment in news pieces) that this nuclear 'revelation' is an attempt by Dick Cheney, and the neo-con regime remnants to undermine Bush.

So what is your 'hunch' on this sasa ?
Was there a facility in the desert, designed to produce plutonium, or wasn't there?

To be honest, no-one will ever know. It would really go against everything we know about Syria. It's a pragmatic country - not dogmatic or ideological. And it is desperate for a peace deal with Israel - and America.

The building which was bombed didn't have any protection and it was out in the middle of the desert, meaning US satellites could see anything being taken in or out. And, why put it so dangerously close to the Turkish border (easy access for US ground/air troops to destroy it).

There was evidence - from US satellites - of the site being demolished after the bombing, but that really tells us very little. Of course they'd demolish it.

I honestly don't know. But there has never even been a whiff that Syria was even interested in nuclear weapons. I think their policy in this area is probably leave it to the Iranians!

habibi sasa,bashar did many uncalculated mistakes ,he is not like his smart but criminal father who had always ensured to own many way out solutions and avoided to be cornered yes once again the israelis are against to see asad regime down ,it's the only thing that give them hope in fact.has this fact changed now?

I think these accusations are garbage. If you ask me, 7 monthes seems like an appropriate amount of time to fabricate an intelligence report, as we have seen many times before from these people...

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  • Written by sasa
  • From Damascus, Syria
  • From Damascus to London via Beirut. Based in and out of the central Damascene hamlet of Saroujah. News and feelings from the streets every day. I'm talking rubbish? Leave a comment. Welcome to the information democracy. See below for info about this site.
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