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Sunday, July 08, 2007 

Petra is new wonder of the world

The New Seven Wonders of the World have been revealed. Petra, in Jordan, was voted on to the list. The Pyramids in Giza, Egypt, retain their place, without the need for a vote (it wouldn't be Arab to do it any other way, would it).

So, there are now two Arab monuments on the new Seven Wonders (which are actually eight wonders). But this isn't a moment for joy - the historical Seven Wonders contained three Arab sites: the pyramids, the Alexandria lighthouse, and the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

But for now, let's just listen to the euphoria in Amman. This is Black Iris's breathy description of last night's celebrations across Jordan. Congratulations.

Wow . List of all winners is available at New Seven Wonders Of The World - Winners

I wonder what's the wonder about Petra.

Ehm, but am I the only one here who thinks it ironic that not one of these 'wonders' were built by Arabs? Actually, I'm not so sure about Petra but I don't think it was Arabs who built it, anybody care to correct me?

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