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Monday, July 02, 2007 

America claims Hizbollah is operating in Iraq

A man captured by Americans in Iraq has apparently "confessed" to being a member of Hizbollah.

He says he was sent by Iranian forces to support Iraqi Shia groups kill American soldiers.

The release of information seems to be aimed at fingering Iranian involvement in Iraq, rather than Lebanese or Syrian.

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It will also serve America's support for Israel when it starts attacking Hizballa again and to push the EU to list Hizballa on the terror list, Don't you think so?.

Hi Sasa that Irish guy who used to wear "the lovely blue beret" :-) is back to pester you for help tracking something down again it's
very off topic to this posting's subject (but FTR I agree with Norman.)

I've been trying to track down any reports either from Syria or Turkey that would confirm:

this from nahrain.com

It does seem to me that the first meeting in 15 years on such a vexed topic would be fairly newsworthty but so far no joy either in Arabic or in English. Any help that you or your readers can give would be really deeply appreciated.

As a sidelight (this to you too Norman) when I read reports like this it always hits me over the head like a hammer how utterly clueless western reporting is on sources of tension in the region. "Oil oil oil" they chant.

Never seems to occur to them to mention water. You'd think that after each grabby war heading for the Litani and the adamant refusal to even think about thinking about handing back control of the Golan's water sources that some western media would twig but .... "crickets" .... as an American friend of mine puts it.

Anyway any help you can give gratefully received.


Found a report on Aswat Al Iraq actually I found an English version too! So anything from Syrian media would be nice. If you can find any links.

Hi Mark,

Good to have you back.

I can't find anything yet, I'll keep looking. You're right, water is the big problem, and no-one can see it. The West Bank too, has huge aquifers which provide most of Israel's water. Somehow this is never mentioned in the barriers to peace: it seems to just be terrorism. Although how maintaining a colony protects a population inside your borders is still beyond me.

I hope Ireland is great.


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