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Friday, June 29, 2007 

Lebanese army shoots dead 2 civilians, injures 20

The Lebanese Army has shot dead 2 Palestinian civilians, who were stuck at a checkpoint, trying to get back into their homes in the Nahr Al Bared refugee camp.

The Lebanese Army has been harassing and abusing Palestinian civilians at checkpoints throughout this crisis. For more, read EI.

I cannot believe I get to read you. Do you think the block was lifted from the blogspot sites ?
Or are we getting limited visiting rights ? Anyway, welcome back, ya Sassa.
Palestinians are indeed getting it from all sides and their stories are heartbreaking

Thanks Annie,

Yes, it does seem strange, but definitely good, and long overdue!


This is what they know best how to do: killing unprotected civilians. Where were they last summer? And where is big mouth Nasralla now? Why haven't I heard him condemn atrocity on the Palestinian refugees?
They're all a bunch of insane perverted warlords only uniting when they have Palestinians/Syrian workers to butcher.

What is happening in Lebanon is an attept and propably succesfull one to start hatred between the Palestinians and the Lebanes resistence to devide the opposition to the surrender ,Having this war that started by arming Fateh al Islam by Harreri and to blame Syria so they can prevent arming Hizballa in the process to attack Syria and Iran this summer By Israel and the US.

hey norman, why doesnt your COWARDLY PRESIDENT set up his own resistance down the south of syria, and then he can fight the zionists himself, instead of hiding behind hizbollah and hamas..

His plans in Lebanon are coming unstuck one by one...

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  • Written by sasa
  • From Damascus, Syria
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