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Sunday, June 24, 2007 

5 UN peacekeepers killed in southern Lebanon

A bomb has killed 5 UN peacekeepers near the Israeli border.

3 of the victims were Colombian, 2 were Spanish.

Fateh Al Islam have been threatening to target UN troops, and the Lebanese government says members who have been arrested have confessed to a plan to kill peacekeepers.

It happened in the south, in a clear attempt to frame Hizbollah - arch enemies of Fateh Al Islam. It comes just days after rockets were fired from south Lebanon into Israel - a Hizbollah tactic in last summer's war. But Israel and Hizbollah both say a Palestinian group was behind this attack.

Fateh Al Islam was created last year, after breaking away from a pro-Syrian group. It was funded by Hariri to act as a counterbalance to Hizbollah.

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There is no real proof that Fatah el-slam is a Hariri Militia, just as well as there is no proof that they are funded by Syria.

When u start taking assumptions that suit you into facts [regardless of how high the probability is, and regardless of what you or I think... I personally do think that it is more probable that they are connected to hariri], you would be copying what al-Mustaqbal, and the whole style of 14th March propagenda outlets... Thats not good. Its not proffessional and its definitely not accurate.

I dont mean to be the asshole picking up on details, but I think it is very important to do so, if you wanna introduce yourself as an independent news source.

Good reply YAZAN...

There is o definite proof that Hariri or Syria(even though I hate the syrian regime) is behind this group...

What I dont get is how Syria released the leader of fata-al islam from jail after only serving 3-4 years, even though he was wanted by Jordan for a murder charge, and he was in jail for TERRORISM CHARGES..

Hi, good blogs. I just need to ask you a small favor since you're in Syria. When are the high school exams getting over & when will the result come out? Is there any website where I can get clear information. Thanks


I have it on a fairly reliable source who's been working with refugees fleeing Nahr Al-Bared about the connection. But they're still working on collating all of that information.

The suspicion among other journalists is that there is a link. But of course, rumours magnify themselves, and take on a life of their own, so who is to know what is true and what is not.

I agree, it is important to remain transparent, and link to sources etc. The best I can say at the moment is that Bahia has been funding Fateh Al Islam, and of course the Seymour Hersh story out of Washington.

I'll try to make it more clear in future stories. I appreciate the advice Yazan.


sasa no one in your familly had been killed by the regime ?

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