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Saturday, March 31, 2007 

US House of Representatives leader visiting Damascus

US House of Representatives leader Nancy Pelosi is about to visit Damascus to meet President Bashar Al-Assad.

She is the first female leader of the House, and is Bush's main opponent. As a Democrat, she is the face of the mid-term elections last November which saw Bush's Republicans defeated in both American Houses of Parliament.

Bush tried to talk her out of the visit, but she is going anyway - albeit after a 'briefing' from the White House.

She is going with Keith Ellison, the first Muslim elected to congress - as well as Tom Lantos, chairman of the House foreign affairs committee.

It is the latest move to end Bush's isolation of Syria - the EU Foreign Policy chief, and a US minister in Bush's government visited earlier this month. Pelosi's trip, though, is undoubtedly the most high profile.

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If I was ASSAD, I wouldn't get my hopes up toohigh.

He still is a LEPER in international diplomacy.
Who does he visit, besides Iran, his terrorist partner.

Even his brother Emile Lahoud in Lebanon doesnt get any visits from high dignitaries, when they visit Lebanon. They give him the cold shoulder.


bashar is still protected by an intertnational cover.

since the begining, israelis dont want a regime change in damascus,they are the strongest syrian regime's defender in the international arena

You know sasa, let Nancy "I love Israel" Pelosy visit Israel. And keep there. I don't trust no neo-con politician, albeit a democrat.

It's about time my country stopped pretending Syria doesn't exist and refusing to talk to them. I love how Pelosi is basically telling the Decider to go screw himself.

lovely page, blessed,c ya

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