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Tuesday, February 20, 2007 

Gisele Khoury would be proud

More from Ciezadlo.

But despite [the Shias'] numerical superiority (which some of their adversaries dispute to this day)--and perhaps also because of it--the Shiites were always perceived as an inconvenience, Persianized outsiders, intruders in their own country.


With Iranian funding, [Hizbollah] set up a parallel state that relieved the Lebanese government of much of its responsibility--military, financial and psychological--for its largest sect. They had their own clinics, their own schools and their own mosques, all in "their" neighborhoods. This autonomy came at a price: No matter how much power the Shiites attained, they were still unwanted, still the "grungy" peasants who belonged in the south or in "their" neighborhoods.

They're not the biggest group, they're peasants who belong in the south - sounds like a perfect description (almost word for word!) - of Gisele Khoury's repugnant views.

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One of the pricibles of mentaining democracy to decrease inequality between the people of the country and as long as Lebanon has two calsses of people ,the Lebanes will be at each other throtes

just a friendly note...
u used to give more space to actual syrian affairs, like this,

don't u think these people are more important than Guzele Khoury, in any perspective that u look through? and definitely more Syria... hence the name, Syria News Wire.


Fair point Yazan...due to popular demand: Michel Kilo trial delayed.

I can't ignore Lebanese issues, simply because there are so many stories out of Lebanon - but you are absolutely right, I should never miss a Syrian story.

thank you sasa...

I'm sure u cant ignore lebanon, but seriously now, dont u think news about lebanese politics are more like celebrity gossip magazines... ;)
it's just the way "politics" work there... I know. makes u wonder when "we" are given the chance to do "politics" what kinda mess are we gonna get into.

You know what the most embarrassing thing is - how the Lebanese will stick by their politicians now matter how silly they make themselves look.

I agree, I hope Syrian politics never looks like Lebanon. But I have more faith in Syrian politicians than I do in Lebanese. I'd like to think that as long as there's no outside interference (Ghadry et al), Syria can make a pretty good job of it.

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