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Friday, December 08, 2006 

Hizbollah leader: Siniora collaborated with Israel

Sayyid Hasan Nasrallah, the leader of Hizbollah, says Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora collaborated with Israel and the US during Israel's war on Lebanon this summer.

Siniora is accused of prolonging the war in order to destroy Hizbollah.

Siniora's Interior Minister Ahmed Fatfat is accused of ordering a chief of the Lebanese army to invite the invading Israeli army commanders into his office - they were served with tea. It's not clear if they were given biscuits as well.

Nasrallah also revelaled three fundamentalist Sunnis tried to assassinate him*. They have been arrested, but Nasrallah appealed for clemency - he wants them to be freed as a gesture of goodwill. It comes amid fears that some Hizbollah supporters might attack Sunnis after a Sunni shot dead a Shia Hizbollah supporter in Beirut.

In another move to try to calm tension between Sunnis and Shia, the Friday prayers in the protest camp will be lead by a Sunni. Most of the protesters are Shia.

*Siniora and Hariri's March 14th movement is supported by many of Lebanon's fundamentalist Sunni groups. And March 14 is understood to actively court their vote.

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