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Saturday, December 16, 2006 

Dozens of Jaja supporters arrested for Gemayel's murder

Dozens of Jaja supporters have been arrested in connection with the killing of March 14th cabinet member Pierre Gemayel.

Jaja and Gemayel were both members of the March 14th/Hariri movement, but it wouldn't be the first time Jaja was accused of killing fellow Christians for political gain.

Immediately after the killing there were suspicions Jaja was behind the assassination.

There are now rumours the French investigators have uncovered evidence implicating Jaja.

This is bullshit (with a big smile). what a joke you syrians are. What a pitty.

yes making funy on the soul of others is easy but how it will be if it come to a close relative ?

this so unbelievable. when are you syrians going to grow up and stop being little kids. you and your puppets have killed the lebanese people.
God will judge you one day.

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