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Wednesday, November 22, 2006 

SNAP: Warlord Pierre Gemayel assassinated

The son of the head of the Phalange party, Pierre Gemayel has been shot dead in Beirut.

Protests have broken out in eastern Lebanon following the assasination of the far-right leader.

His supporters have shouted slogans against rival Christian leader Michel Aoun.

But members of the murdered minister's party have called for calm.

It was Gemayel who massacred 2000 innocent women and children in the Sabra and Chatilla camps in 1982. He was working for Israeli Defence Minister Ariel Sharon.

Sa'ad Hariri was told the news while he was talking in a press conference. He immediately blamed Syria before talking to anyone. That is what passes for an investigation in Lebanon.

Sasa , you are wrong ,during the time of Sabra and Shatela ,Pier Gmyel was very young ,,Bashir Gmyel ,his uncle was envolved ,this one was never a warlord,this one was killed by Gagaa to blame the oppositin and eliminate the Christian leaders of Lebanon , i hope his father and the rest can see that.


Pierre Amin Gemayel is not a warlord though I must say he would've been if the conditions had been different, he is quite a racist/bigot.

How can he be so ignorant to the fact that his son has no power or influance and the killing was to prevent a deal between the US and Syria ,may be over Lebanon,
PARIS - Former Lebanese president Amin Gemayel said on Wednesday he suspected Syria had played a role in the murder of his son Pierre, saying it would be in keeping with Damascus’s past behaviour.

‘We do not yet have irrefutable proof or presumption but many fingers are pointing at Syria, which incidentally has a track record,’ Gemayel told French news channel LCI from Beirut.

‘We have proof that it was Syria that had my brother, president (Bashir) Gemayel, assassinated in 1982 and everything leads us to believe it is Syria’s usual behaviour to settle its scores in Lebanon through such diabolical means.’

Pierre Gemayel, Lebanon’s 34-year-old anti-Syrian industry minister, was shot and fatally wounded in a northern Beirut suburb on Tuesday. It was the fifth recent attack on an anti-Syrian politician.

Can't the assassination attempt on the life of Muhammad Hussein Fadlallah (in which 80 civilians were killed and Fadlallah escaped unharmed) be counted as "usual behavior" from the U.S? So there are usual behaviours then there are other usual behaviours? Or what? What an idiot Gemayel is, and basically also all the followers of Hariri, Jumblatt, & Geagea. These people think they can insult the intelligence of all Lebanese by pointing squarely at Syria every time something happens, from which THEY have ALWAYS benefited. They are quite desperate, and the more desperate they are, the clearer it is becoming who is behind those assassinations, not just this one, but also the other ones, from Hariri onwards. I happen to be convinced that Hariri was killed by USA/Israel/France,etc.

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  • Written by sasa
  • From Damascus, Syria
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