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Tuesday, October 17, 2006 

France says it will attack Israeli planes in Lebanon

The French commanders of the UN peacekeeping force in Lebanon say they will open fire on Israeli jets if they continue their illegal overflights.

Israel has breached the ceasefire more than one thousand times since it came into force in August (Hizbollah has breached it twice). Most of their breaches refer to their flights into Lebanon. They fly low over the cities breaking the sound barrier (it sounds like a bomb, and is intended to scare civilians).

France says this is a clear breach, and they will open fire if it continues, according to Israel's Defence Minister Amir Peretz.

Israel says it will continue to illegally enter Lebanese airspace. They say arms transfers are continuing, and they may start bombing.

Do you have a URL for this report please?


Here you go Mark:


Many thanks. Hmmmm they're not always the most reliable news service. I think I'll file this under "let's hope this is true category." Mind you it could also go under the "highly amazing if true" category.

Hi Mark,

I agree, they're a horrible news source. It was actually Agence France Presse copy to begin with.

I agree that it's hard to believe, it hasn't been reported directly, but through comments made by israel's defence minister. which perhaps makes it more interesting!


The interesting thing Sasa is that I got no less than three emails about this. None of which gave a URI. I asked Sophia of "Les Politiques" to help me track it down and she came up with the same rumour site I did. I subscribe to here via your feed to google and you came up with the URI - many thanks. I've blogged it and hat tipped you Here

Incidentally you might be (very belatedly) interested in this. The writer, Declan, was the best sergeant I ever had the honour of commanding. Like most of us in the Irish UNIFIL contingent he fell in love with Lebanon but he went further and fell in love with a local girl - they got married moved to Ireland, you can guess the rest :-)

Anyway once Israel attacked he left Ireland to try to help his inlaws and as many other civilians as he could. He was asked if he wanted to go to the "Divine Victory" rally and wrote up his experiences. Doubtless you've got lots of reports on that but perhaps his perspective is one you won't have encountered before.

Very interesting blog! And thanks for the link, yes Declan has a very interesting story. Is he still willing to talk? If so, pass my email address on to him (lio119@yahoo.com).

Thanks very much for the hat tip. Very nice blue beret!

Keep in touch, I love to get perspectives most readers wont have heard before, and I'm sure yours is one of them. The blog is open to your words...



Will do. At the moment Deco's travelling but I'll pass this on to him when he gets back.

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