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Sunday, August 06, 2006 

George Bisharat: When I last saw Lebanon

"The blow had been planned for at least a year, awaiting only the pretext of Hizbullah's capture of two Israeli soldiers. Hizbullah seized them to trade for Lebanese detainees that Israel had previously refused to release. If Hizbullah indeed attacked inside Israel - some reports initially located the skirmish in Lebanon - it violated Israel's sovereignty, took Israeli lives, and committed grave wrongs - but did nothing to justify the destruction of a country."

This is the PRICE.

Now every country will think twice before they let terror organization kidnap Israeli citizen from her land.

We are proud to live in a country that willing to destroy anther country to bring our boys home.

p r o u d .

You can call it every name that you what; we do not take criticism from anyone.
You are all hypocrite.

NIR, it is a stupid assumption.

You have built a concentration camp called Palestine with a big wall around it and you are killing innocent people like Nazis in the third reich.

Why should other countries remember that Lebanon has kidnapped 2 soldiers if not even you remember how useless and pointless it is to kill innocent people ?

1500 Israeli civilians killed by suicides in the last 6 years...

Where was the world then?

We give shit a bout palatine, it's our land and we shall kick all the Arabs to Arabs countries


It is not ALL your land. The West Bank, East Jerusalem, Gaza and the Golan Heights are all occupied land in the eyes of International Law.

As for the number of civilians killed, aren't you forgetting the Palestinian civilians, too? (but you don't give "shit", I know). And why go back ONLY six years? Consider the number of civilians dead since 1947, since the attacks of the Haganah, the core of what became the IDF, on Palestinian civilians. Consider all the attacks on civilians (Deire Yassin, Qibya, Kafr Qasem, Bahr Al-Baqar, etc. And now Lebanon.)

If you do, you will find that the IDF is much more of a terrorist organisation than Hamas or Hezbollah which did resort to terrorist acts sometimes.

NIR are you also proud that you live in a country who would allow the killing of 50 of its boys in order to bring two boys home ?

Why are the lives of the Israeli people lost in this war less important to you than the lives of the two soldiers you want to rescue? Isn't this Hypocrisy?

Well as long as you are p r o u d ;-)


Can you remind me when we occupied the Golan Heights?

I am waiting for your answer.

In 1967. I thought you knew history, Nir.

I'll add that the Knessed passed the "Golan Heights Law" in 1981, transferring the area from military administration to direct Israeli civil administration, thus annexing the Heights in effect. The UN Security Council did not recognize that measure.

Here, I reminded you and gave you additional information. Isn't that nice?

Here is another goody for you (I'm in a generous mood today): Look up UN Security Council Resolution 497. It makes a quite instructive read. It states that "the Israeli decision to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights is null and void and without international legal effect."

Of course, there is a typo. I meant the "Knesset".

GottfriedStutz ,

Thank you for your answer, I know the answers I just try to see where you lost contact with the true …:-)))

Why Israel starts this war?

Short answer will be fine..

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