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Monday, July 24, 2006 

Lebanon body count

372 dead.

With a milion Israelis in shelter i do not think Israel will last six month they will be leaving with the deterioration of the Israeli economy ,Israel has a big chance for peace built on international law or Israel will vanish when the Arabs recogize that israel can not last in a long war.

Where is your Israeli death count? Where is your Hezbollah death count? How many of the dead Lebanese are actually members of or supporters of Hezbollah?


Thanks for your message Amwreck. If you look back, I was posting full details: Lebanese civlians dead, Hizbollah dead, injured. Israeli civilians dead, israeli soldiers dead. etc. But it is difficult to get all of the information all of the time. Out of the 372, 61 were Hizbollah fighters.

There is no such thing as an Israeli civilian.

I am really curious to know how anyone knows the number of Hezbollah fighters that are found dead among civilians? They don't wear uniforms or anything that proclaims them as Hezbollah, do they? So, how can anyone be absolutely sure of the numbers? Are we to take Hezbollah's word for it? Are we supposed to take Lebanon's word for it? Are we supposed to take Israel's word for it? These are all groups that benefit from skewed casualty numbers.

I know I've come here and sound like I am just attacking everything. But I tend to question a lot of things. I do not accept the conservative right-wing view of things carte blanche, as I have my own point of view. But on this issue, I find it hard to feel too much sympathy when I know that humanitarian beliefs and efforts simply get in the way of achieving victory over terrorist armies such as Hezbollah. They use our own humanitarian values against us by forcing us to live up to them. I am sure that is one point that most of the world can agree on.


The IDF has documented 500-600 hezbolla dead fighters and projects 800 to 1200 more from the bombing you must be really stupid if you think 700 smart bombs kill only civilians but then you belive in that stupid 9 RELIGION 0 so you would belive anything...

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