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Saturday, July 29, 2006 

Israel gives up on Bint Jbail

Israel has withdrawn from Bint Jbail, after suffering heavy losses.

They have been trying to occupy the Lebanese town for a week, but many Israeli soldiers have died, and dozens more have been injured.

It's a humiliating loss for Israel, which now holds just a handful of Lebanese village.

Yeh right….very funny joke by sasa …


No joke. Your army chickened out, and decided that the best solution is to carpet-bomb the whole South. It will do that, and you'll cheer it up, and you'll be an accomplice.


Do you know that idf is now in all Bint Jbail and Marun a Ras?

For my opinion, I expectant that my army turns those villages to flat area with no houses at all.
To my disappointment my army decided to leave the village complete.

You are misinformed as usual, Nir. One: The Israeli army did flatten most of those villages. Two: It pulled out all right.

By the way, what an achievement! After three weeks of bombardment, killing of civilians, port blockades and ground combat, the fourth strongest army in the world succeeded in occupying a few villages. I'm impressed.

By the way, since the Lebanese Resistance is fighting a guerilla war, the notion of "front" and "combat lines" don't mean much.

You still keep throwing lies all over the net …

First: I still see hoses in those villages..
Second: it’s taken our government too much time to decide that we need to get in with more then 100 soldiers.
Now, there is no problem.

And, I suggest you not to underestimate the idf

this offensive should have been over with in less than a week. idf did not use enough power to oust the guerrilas from the south.

Aren't you avoiding the discussion of your initial claim, Nir?
Check your facts again: The Israeli army is not in control of Bint Jbeil.

Yes, you can see some houses in Bint Jbeil and Maroun Al-Ras. How does that contradict what I said about "The Israeli army did flatten most of those villages"? How many houses do you really want flattened?

I don't need to understimate the Israeli army. I know how strong it is. However, it sounds like the Army is overestimating itself.

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  • Written by sasa
  • From Damascus, Syria
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