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Tuesday, July 25, 2006 

Human Rights Watch ends the lie: Hizbollah AREN'T hiding among civilians

That enduring myth that Hizbollah are hiding with civilians has been put to bed by Human Rights watch, who have accused Israel of DELIBERATELY targeting civilians. More evidence of war crimes in Lebanon.

"We've investigated the results of air campaigns in Kosovo, Afghanistan, and Iraq, and the pattern here is different. They're hitting civilians time and time again," investigator Peter Bouckaert said.

"Just because the Israelis are using smart weapons doesn't mean they're hitting military targets ... The Israelis seem to make no discrimination between military and civilian targets."

And they have been investigating bomb sites in Lebanon, as well as munitions in Israel, and Human Rights watch are certain Israel is using cluster bombs - banned under international law.

Los Angelus Observer, you are a terrorist, and you need to be killed. You and the Zionist mutants are the cowards, deliberately killing civilians. By the way, Iran and Syria would kick USA's ass. Syria Won in 1973, despite fighting your terrorist nation, the US, AND Israel, at the same time.

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  • Written by sasa
  • From Damascus, Syria
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