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Wednesday, July 26, 2006 

10 warnings and still they continued - Israel kills the peace

A somewhat poetic title, I admit. Here's the story: UN Generals called the Israelis 10 times to warn them they were firing dangerously close to a UN post. Kofi Annan's office called the Israelis to warn them they were firing dangerously close to a UN post.

But still they continued, despite Israel's promises to stop.

By 7pm, 4 UN peacekeepers lay dead, many more were wounded, and others put their lives at risk to rescue them.

Israel even refused to stop firing on the post when their colleagues tried to injure the wounded.

Israel says Hizbollah's capture of 2 soldiers was a 'declaration of war'. Austria, Canada, China and Finland - the countries the dead UN soldiers came from - should consider yesterday's Israeli attack as a declaration of war on Austria, Canada, China and Finland.

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  • Written by sasa
  • From Damascus, Syria
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