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Sunday, May 28, 2006 

FLASH: Israeli jets bomb Bekka Valley

Israeli jets have attacked Palestinian camps in the Bekka Valley. Apparently they hold the PFLP responsible for the missile attack into Israeli this morning.

The missiles were fired from Lebanon into Israel this morning, according to the Israeli army. They were in retaliation for Israel's assasination of the brother of an Islamic Jihad leader in Sidon, southern Lebanon yesterday.

The PFLP camps are unrelated to Islamic Jihad, but they are on the border between Lebanon and Syria - could that be the real reason for the air raid?

Hi everyone I came across this site and was wondering if any of you would be kind enough to help me and offer me some sort of support?

I am a British woman living in Cyprus and married to an Armenian/Lebanese man. I am horrified at what is occurring in Lebanon having visited Lebanon with my husband and met his family and friends there who I have only ever heard them speak of peace at last.
Unfortunately my husband will not speak much about his family or the current situation in Lebanon very much and I am finding this very distressing as I feel I am more interested and involved in trying to find out what is happening than he is? Can anyone offer an explanation of what I have thought of as cold hearted attitude towards his own country yet he is not normally like this? He says I don’t understand war as he lived through this situation all his life from being born there and that he deals with this differently from me who has not experienced war first hand in my own country.
I agree with him except I am frequently finding myself in tears looking at the details and photographs of dead children etc. I worry about his family and his mother who is not of good health. I know that he receives texts and telephone calls but am not aware what he is speaking because the conversation is in Arabic or Armenian and when the phone call is finished he says all is okay with them! How can that be? Can anyone please tell me if the people in Anjjar in Bekkaa is okay as I do know that’s where most of his family live?

I worry that they are cut off and cannot receive supplies but feel helpless as to what to do if I cannot gain much information from my husband. We struggle here in Cyprus to keep our head above water financially but this is nothing compared to my fears of them without, shelter, food and water etc. I want to do something for them if they need it and for others in a similar situation but how can I do this with limited finances and information. Has anyone any ideas of something I can do as I just cannot turn my thoughts away from this.
I am sorry to have rambled on but all my feelings have poured out and arrived on this page.
Thanking you in advance

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  • Written by sasa
  • From Damascus, Syria
  • From Damascus to London via Beirut. Based in and out of the central Damascene hamlet of Saroujah. News and feelings from the streets every day. I'm talking rubbish? Leave a comment. Welcome to the information democracy. See below for info about this site.
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