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Sunday, December 18, 2005 

Lebanon closes border crossing with Syria

Lebanon has permenently closed the military lane, next to the Masnaa border crossing.

The crossing was used by Syrian and Lebanese officials, the army, and senior businessmen. Always seen as a symbol of corruption in the Syrian-Lebanese relationship, many will be pleased to see the special crossing's demise.

Officials with military lane permits were able to cross between the two countries without going through any passport or customs checks (Lebanese and Syrian nations don't need visas or passports to cross the border anyway, they can cross on their ID card).

The permits were given as tokens of appreciation by officials, and were available to buy for $2000.

Damn. No more 40 minute drives from Damascus to Beirut.

Thus begins the separation of the Syrians from the Lebanese... by a series of convoluted, useless import/export laws and 3 hour lines at the border!


It is shame what is going on between syria and Lebanon but after what the lebanese said about Syria i do not understand why syria continue to subsidise Lebanon electric power suply and oil needs Syria should treat lebanon like any other country and make them pay free market prices ,in adition truckers coming from Lebanon through Syria should pay appropiet fees making it more profitable to use Latakia and Tartos seaports and Syrian truckers,enpugh is enough i do not know why Syria contonue to take this abuse from the Lebanese

hahahaha norman you crack me up everytime!

Thanks buddy! Keep'em coming!


انا بصراحة ليس عندى تعليق
ما يحدث الان على الحدود السورية اللبنانية ما يريدة اعدائنا
ان تصير هناك فرقه بين الشعبين المتجاوزرين الممتزجين انها نفس الهوية العربية انها بلاد الشام كيف يا اخوانى
انا بصراحة كنت انوى ان ازور البلدين معا ولكن واجهتن صعوبة دخول لبنان لانها تطلب فيزا و مبلغ من الدولارات اللعينة لدخولها ولكن سوريا بلدنا الشقيق الحبيب ترحب بضيوفها العرب و لذلك قررت الا ازور لبنان لانها تضع الحواجز لدخولها و معنى هذا انها لا ترحب بزوراها ...كفاكى خزى يا لبنان
ارجعى لعروبتك و كفاكى من الثقافة الغربية القذرة

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  • Written by sasa
  • From Damascus, Syria
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