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Thursday, November 10, 2005 

67 dead in Jordan

Update 00.26

Official figures put the number of dead at 67, with 300 injured.

Jordan's borders with Saudi, Iraq, Israel, Syria and Occupied Palestine have been closed.

All government buildings and schools have been closed until further notice.

I was just reading about this on the BBC site and i came across this from the groom... (there was a bomb at his wedding)

"There were a lot of injured people and some dead people. Some of them are from my family and some are from my wife's family," the groom, Ashraf al-Khaled, said.

"We tried to save as many people as we could, but God took some.

"I lost my father and my father-in-law on my wedding night," he added. "The world has to know that this has nothing to do with Islam."

Depite how sad it is - i am shocked at his reaction, rather than be angry, he is upset and the first thing does is defend Islam. This is a true muslim, This is true Islam! not those that have used it to excuse murder!

Allah help him.

Yes I completely agree with cheb! The idiotic, foolish and misguided people who have done this cannot in any way claim to represent the true & mainstream Sunni Islam.

Suicidal terrorism is completely anathema to Sunni Islam and is condemned by the vast majority of classical and traditional Sunni scholars!
The people who perpetrate these heinous crimes in the name of Allah and deen only bring harm to Islam and Muslims: both Arab and non-Arab Muslims.

In fact these people are takfeeris or if you prefer neo-khawarijis who misunderstand and misinterpret the Quran and Hadeeths and twist them to justify this kind of mindless violence against innocent civilians just as the khawarij did in the past.

For an excellent analysis of this topic one may read the following 2 articles. They are very lengthy but go some way to putting the view of mainstream Sunni scholarship:



Hopefully this will go in some way to clear misconceptions Inshallah!

anonymous - its no reflection on ANY Islam, whether you're sunni, shia or whatever, the same beliefs are followed and one of those beliefs is that murder is not permissible.

I had a look at some of the sites - very interesting indeed.

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