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Thursday, October 27, 2005 

UN Report on 1559

Terje Roed-Larsen has reported on Syria and Lebanon complying with last year's Security Council Resolution which forced Syrian troops out.

On the withdrawal of Syrian troops, and holding free and fair elections:
"The requirements of the withdrawal of Syrian troops and military assets, as well as the conduct of free and credible legislative elections have been met."

"Complications have unfortunately arisen from the lack of a clearly agreed upon and demarcated border between Lebanon and Syria, and have highlighted the need for a formal border agreement and demarcation of that border."

"There have also been difficulties related to the control of the borderline between Lebanon and Syria, and the issue of the illegal transfer of arms and people toward armed Palestinian groups in Lebanon, which has threatened to cast a shadow on the efforts aimed at bolstering Lebanon's sovereignty, territorial integrity, unity and political independence."

"Terror, in the form of bombings, assassinations, and attempted murders ... has not succeeded in destabilizing Lebanon, jeopardizing the holding of free and credible parliamentary elections, or undermining its national unity nor political independence."

On the Shebaa farms:
"Both the (Security) Council and I have repeatedly stated ... that the Shebaa Farms area is not part of Lebanon. Therefore, any
Lebanese 'resistance' to 'liberate' the area from continued Israeli occupation cannot be considered legitimate."

"In addition even if the Lebanese claim to the Shebaa Frams area were legitimate, it would be the responsibility of the government of Lebanon only to address this claim in conformity with international law and relevant Security Council resolutions."

On the armed groups:
"The existence of armed groups defying the control of the legitimate government which by definition is vested with a monopoly on the use of force throughout its territory, is incompatible with the restoration and full respect of the sovereignty, territorial integrity, unity and political independence of the country."

"I am encouraged by my dialogue with the government of Lebanon on the extension of its control over all of Lebanon's territory. Tangible results are yet to be achieved,. and I will continue my efforts in this regard."

"I am encouraged by the design of a formal mechanism of internal dialogue on the issue of the arms of Palestinian militias in
Lebanon, and the recent historic summit between (Lebanese) Prime Minister (Fuad) Siniora and (Palestinian) President (Mahmud) Abbas.

"I look forward to the formalization of the ongoing domestic
dialogue on the issue of the arms of Lebanese militias and their

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