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Thursday, October 27, 2005 

Syria promises 57,000 new jobs

The Syrian government has agreed to spend 9 billion US Dollars on government investment.

That'll produce 57,000 new government jobs.

Oh good that should speed up Syrian beaurocracy,we all know how understaffed the Syrian govenment is.

I hope that will be through private secter jobs through contracts presented for bid to the private secter and announced in the offecial newspaper,the the result of the bid is also announced in the offecial newspaper to prevent corruption and no bid contracts,the time for the goverment to give jobs to people who only show up to collect their sallary is gone,spending to improve the job market should through the private secter,somtimes i think i am repeating the same idea more than once for sombody in Syria awake or care enough to follow it.

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  • Written by sasa
  • From Damascus, Syria
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