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Thursday, September 15, 2005 

Syrian Railways publishes timetables, routes on internet

Syrian railways has published details of its routes in a bid to increase traffic.

It's main Damascus-Homs-Hama-Aleppo line, as well as the branches to Lathqia and Al-Qamishli are shown. There are five daily journies between Damascus and Aleppo which takes 4 hours, costing as little as 57 Syrian Pounds (1 US Dollar). The journey by bus is three times more expensive.

Trains also run a weekly service to Tehran, Iran and Istanbul, Turkey. Incredibly, the journies cost just 75 Syrian Pounds (1 Dollar 50 cents). The trip to Tehran takes 3 days, and to Istanbul, you'll spend 6 days on the train.

Full details are here. And here for the international routes.

sasa..lets just hope that the service is better than what we get on the trains in london!

Syria seems to be on thhe right track,building infrastructure like trains and roads are the first step toward economic development and prosperity.

I... I can't believe it! A *published* timetable? In *Syria*? Whatever is the world coming to...

I'm visiting Syria as a tourist in April. Is it possible to visit the railway works in Damascus?


Chris (UK)

The trip from Damascus to Istanbul takes only ONE Night leaving DAM in ther very early morning at 5:15 arriving in Instanbul next day late afternoon and the price is in Sleeper 76 Francs Swiss !!!!! not syrian pounds....!!

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