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Thursday, September 15, 2005 

Syria condemns Iraqi insurgency

Syria today denounced the attack on Shiite civilians in Baghdad as a "terrorist" act, according to the Foreign Ministry.

Syria has been under pressure recently from President Bush and the US Ambassador to Iraq to 'stop the flow of fighters across the border'. Interestingly, the US Ambassador to Iraq, Zalmay Khalilzad also accused the Syrian government of actively supporting the insurgency for the first time. He said that the state media glorifies terrorists as freedom fighters.

But today's very public denounciation will go some way to dispelling that.

"The people and government of the Syrian Arab Republic are extremely pained by the news of the terrorist bombings in Baghdad today that killed a large number of innocent people in brotherly Iraq," the Foreign Ministry said.

Syrian Ambassador to London Sami Khyami went on BBC News this evening to say the same. He condemned all attacks in Iraq which target civilians.

I do not know how long syria can take the abuse of the US goverment and the Iraqi goverment before it starts to fight back saying enogh is enough syria,s cosouliotry stand seem to encourage interference in it,s internal affair by the us goverment and it,s stooges in iraq jordon ,Saudiarabia an Lebanon the aim for the us goverment is to appease the islamic fundimentalist by turning syria as they did in iraq to an islamic county and destry the secular nature of syria.

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  • Written by sasa
  • From Damascus, Syria
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