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Tuesday, September 27, 2005 

Israel: the Golan Heights are ours now

Israel's Defence Minister Shaul Mofaz says the Syrian Golan Heights will remain 'forever' under Israeli control. He has urged Israelis to move into the illegally occupied Syrian land.

It is another slap in the face for a possible peace between Israel and Syria. For the past 18 months Bashar has been calling for peace talks - full normalisation if Syria gets its Golan Heights back.

How long will it take Syria to understand that the only reason for Israeli withdrowl from south Lebanon and Gazza is the resistance ,untill Syria start taking back what is hers by force Syria might as well forget about the Golan,remember ,when you take what is yours you will not be hurting anybody ,the golan is Syrian.naim

Note to all Muslim and Arab leaders that are eager to embrace the zionist regime of the butcher of Sabra and chatila that they continue to occupy Al Quds Sharif, the West Bank, The Golan Heights and the Shebaa Farms! These territories must be evacuated before any more foolish 'gestures'.

I am happy that there is still arabic anger and loyalty out there.

Syria will take back the Golan by force if it has to, and will destroy Israel in the process, bringing back Palestine.

The other Arab nations shoud be ashamed of themselves. They have submitted to Zion.

Can I please have a link to this story?

There is one Arab nation with 22( i think) Arab states most of them with leaders who care very litle about the Arab natinality ,Again Syria should depend on itself as it is the only real Arab country,naim

It's from the Associated Press wires.

Champress quotes part of the AP story here.

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