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Monday, September 26, 2005 

Bomb targets Lebanese journalist

A journalist from Lebanese Forces' TV channel LBC has been targetted in a bomb attack near Beirut.

The attack happened in Jouneih when a bomb exploded under her car. May Chidiac was critically injured and taken to hospital where one of her arms and one of her legs were amputated. Her Land Rover was blown to pieces.

Students are calling for sit ins at universities across the capital tomorrow.

Since the arrest of four of the country's top security officials, Lebanon's safety has been exposed. Druze Leader Walid Jumblatt said "the country's security is exposed and anyone can fish (in the waters) and place bombs". He called for new security heads to be appointed soon.

The appointments have been held up by splits in what used to be called the 'opposition', led by Sa'ad Al-Hariri. The opposition is wrangling about who should be given which job.

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  • Written by sasa
  • From Damascus, Syria
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