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Monday, July 11, 2005 

Syria deports 1300 'terrorists'

Syria has removed 1300 terrorists from the country. All of them are of Arab origin - from the Gulf, Tunisia and Algeria.

Last week Syria battled militants in Damascus and Homs in which a number of Syrian soldiers were killed. Some of the militants were arrested and are wanted in Jordan on charges of terrorism. The raids earned rare praise from the leader of the 'invade Syria' camp, US Secretary of state Condoleeza Rice. She called Syria's actions "a good thing".

Just over a week ago Iraqi Deputy Foreign Minister Hamed Al-Bayati said that Syria had stopped 70,000 fighters crossing the border. Former President Iyad Alawi also heaped praise on Damascus, saying that it was doing all that it could.

Syria has complained that the US is making demands that they protect the border, but has not delivered the assistance - training and equipment - that it promised.

Syria should ask for visas from arab nationals at least temporarly as the militant are using syris hospitality to infiltrate into Iraq.naim/usa

What about solidarity with the Iraqi resistance ?

The resistance is not a resistence if it attacks iraqi civelians,naim

I agree it should not attack civilians but it also attacks americans; and the m*ss*d is quite capable of killing civilians

The death to day of the children is particularly horrendous but why do mothers let their children approach the occupying force to get sweets ?

About the children's death read this (by an Iraqi)


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