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Thursday, June 02, 2005 

Strange Alliances

Hizbollah the anti-Israeli resistance group...

...is allied with...

Walid Jumblatt's Socialist Progressive Party...

...who is allied with...

Samir Jaja's Lebanese Forces, they collaborated with the Israeli occupation.

Jumblatt: "This alliance was formed to protect the resistance movement I have stressed the necessity of inter-Lebanese talks in order to solve all problems and protect the resistance."

Meanwhile Saad Al-Hariri has...

a Hizbollah member on his Beirut list...

and Solange Gemayal, widow of Bashir Gemayal - the murdered Israeli puppet President of Lebanon who signed a peace deal with Israel during the occupation.

So who's going to be friends with Michel Aoun?

Is that why you're working with pro-Syrian Druze politician Talal Arslan?


Just imagine those loving neighbours mind their own business and leave us alone, woldn't it void all these hypotheses...

Samir Kassir was just assassinated.

Another voice silenced. Thanks to our neighbour.

It's not new ,Syria forced its ally Elie Hobeika ,the executor of the massacre of sabra and shatila ,to be included in Hizbollah electoral list during the past elections.

To me the interesting thing is that people are willing to kill on the basis of perceived differences. But when it comes to grabbing power, people are prepared to work with their antithesis.

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  • Written by sasa
  • From Damascus, Syria
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