An-Nahar journalist murdered in Beirut
A massive car-bomb has just hit Ashrafiyeh - the trendy East Beirut area. It killed far-right columnist Samir Qasir outside his home.
He has written angry articles about the Lebanese puppet regime, but in recent times he has made more enemies than friends.
He made no secret of his support for far-right Solange Gemayal, the wife of the man installed as puppet President of Lebanon by Israel. She won her seat with almost no competition after rival candidates mysteriously withdrew.
Prominent opposition leader Walid Jumblatt has already blamed puppet President Emile Lahoud. Jumblatt is after Lahoud, and this will hasten calls for the President to step down. Jumblatt earlier called for Lahoud to stay, so that the election could take place as scheduled, but with the election now in process, those shakles are off.
Welcome to Lebanese democracy.
One more time, for the purpose of credibility you need to be better informed.
Samir Kassir's writings cannot be summarized in what you said, not to mention how inaccurate your conclusion.
Bashir El Gemayel was murdered just when he refused to be an Israeli puppet ( Alia el Solh' writing could help you).
I can't educate you, but you sound like an 18 years old who just discovered the world of politics.
My advise to you, "Read, read then read some more...."
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:26 pm
I'm not doubting who was responsible for Gemayil's murder! But he was an Israeli proxy, and was their puppet candidate for President.
You don't agree with my conclusion, we'll it's subjective, if you don't agree then tell me your thoughts instead of childish insults.
Posted by
sasa |
5:05 pm
Samir Qasir is a journalist, and journalists should never be targetted. But when men like Tuwani (editor of Qasir's paper An-Nahar) become politicians, it blurs the distinction between commentator and politician, and makes all journalists targets.
Posted by
sasa |
5:20 pm
Neither politicans or journalists should be shot of course..Even if some one is both at same time.
You did not mention how he critiseized mukhabarat horrible control over every thing in both Lebanon, and Syria..
And this "far right"journalist talked a lot about and defended the Palestine cause as well..In alquds (if I remember right)yesterday there was an article written by some Palestinians explaining how not only lebanese lost a defender of the people's right but also Palestinians...Do as the first anonymous said and read some more about him..
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:24 pm
U missed something here, leftist, and critisize Syrian politics, Aljazeera, is just one example among many:
شيعت ظهر اليوم السبت في بيروت جنازة الصحفي والناشط اليساري المعارض سمير قصير, في مأتم حاشد دعت فيه المعارضة إلى مشاركة شعبية واسعة, ورفضت في الوقت نفسه أي تمثيل رسمي.
واغتيل سمير قصير( 45 عاما) وهو أحد أبرز المعارضين لسوريا الخميس الماضي بتفجير سيارته في الأشرفي
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:35 pm
could'nt resist showing this too :
مثقفون سوريون يدينون اغتيال قصير
الحياة 2005/06/4
استعان عدد من المثقفين السوريين بمطلع مقال كان كتبه الزميل الشهيد سمير قصير، وأصدروا بياناً دانوا فيه عملية الاغتيال. وقال البيان:
«الخطأ بعد الخطأ، والجريمة بعد الجريمة... بالأمس رفيق الحريري، واليوم سمير قصير، الكاتب والإعلامي، شهيد فلسطين وسورية ولبنان، الذي طالما تغنّى بانتمائه اليهم قلباً وقالباً وقلماً... قتلوا سمير لأنه اغاظ الغزاة والطغاة، محليين وأشقاء وغرباء، بالكلمة السواء... قتلوا سمير لأنه بجسارته الشقية، وسخريته المرّة، عرّى الاستبداد وذلّه، وحرم جنرالاته وأزلامه لذة القمع والتنكيل والقتل وحتى فرصة التوبة... قتلوا سمير لأنه بفكره ونهضويته وذكائه أزعج برابرة الشمولية وظلاميّيها وفضح ضحالة عقائدهم... قتلوا من شاركناه قضية الثقافة، وحلم الديموقراطية، وإرادة الحرية، ولن يثنينا عنها إرهاب... قتلوا سميرنا...».
وحمل البيان توقيع المثقفين: عمر اميرالاي، فاروق مردم بيك، أسامة محمد، ميشيل كيلو، ياسين الحاج صالح، برهان غليون، موفق نيربية، يوسف عبدلكي، فايز ملص، صبحي حديدي، حسين العودات، منذر مصري، محمد علي الأتاسي، لؤي حسين، منذر المصري، حيدر حيدر، منى أتاسي، عادل محمود، سمير ذكرى، حنان قصاب حسن، منذر خدام، عمر كوش، حكم البابا، منذر بدر حلوم، ماهر شرف الدين، حسان عباس، محمد نجاتي طيارة، خدام زهور عدي، يوسف قداح، أمل محمد، خلف الزرزور، جورج كتن، نقولا الزهر، فارس الحلو، لقمان ديركي وخالد خليفة.
وكان كل من أدونيس، نبيل أبو شقرا، مرا برنس، جرار خوري، عيسى مخلوف، مياسا نمور، محمد اركون، مرسال خليفة ونبيل بيهم، أصدروا بياناً أكدوا فيه أن «ليس عندنا فولتير ولا شخص كالجنرال ديغول. غير ان سمير قصير طاقة فكرية متميزة، ينتمي الى السلالة الفولتيرية النقدية. طاقة تتخطى السياسة وان وقف معظم كتاباته النقدية على قضاياها... ولهذا فإن اغتياله اغتيال للسياسة والفكر معاً. عدا انه يشير الى انعدام الحس بمفهوم الدولة والوطن والمواطنية».
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:53 pm
He had an obsession with Syria, he expressed that through his journalism, and then stepped on to the political stage.
We as journalists look at what is happening, and comment at the very most. We do not take sides, because when we do, it makes all journalists targets.
As for him not being on a 'left-winger'. Just because you include the word 'left' in the name of your party, doesn't make you left-wing! If that's the case then Walid Jumblatt would be 'progressive'!
Posted by
sasa |
3:09 am
Was not him who had an obseesion with Syria..Syrians regim power elite, and mukhabarat, had, and have, an obseesion to control minds, people, and brains and money..And absolutly everything..
He called for freedom..For Syrians too not only lebanese..He, and most journalists, and intelectuals in the world, are critisizing, and have all the right to, critisize Syrian regime bad violent actions. Take a look at newspappers, aljazeera, alquds, lemonde, newspappers from the gulf..all-except Syrian "news pappers"!
Again I think u should do more of what first anonymous said.
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:34 pm
sasa said...
He had an obsession with Syria, he expressed that through his journalism, and then stepped on to the political stage.
We as journalists look at what is happening, and comment at the very most. We do not take sides, because when we do, it makes all journalists targets.
As for him not being on a 'left-winger'. Just because you include the word 'left' in the name of your party, doesn't make you left-wing! If that's the case then Walid Jumblatt would be 'progressive'!
3:09 AM
Well, forget about reading others, at least read carefully your own writings.
someone once said : "ma nakashtou jahilan illa wa ghalabani".
I give up...
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:11 am