Lebanon angry at Syrian border delays
Lebanon is to complain to Syria about delays entering Syria along the Beirut-Damascus highway. The delay has been caused by Syrian officials, who are being more thorough in their border checks.
Until the military withdrawal, the Syrian side of the border had been the easiest to negotiate - a quick wave of the hand and you're through. But since the withdrawal, Syria has become more jittery about who is in Lebanon, and who might try to get into Syria.
Until the withdrawal, it was the Lebanese officials who were notoriously slow - but things have changed.
In other news, Israel continued its bombardment of Southern Lebanon, and dropped leaflets warning the Lebanese that they will be held responsible for any border violence.
Also, the US has frozen the assets of Interior Minister Ghazi Kanaan and the former head Military Intelligence for Lebanon, Rustum Ghazali - the two men responsible for Syria's Lebanon policy until the withdrawal. Syria left Lebanon, so now lets take revenge for all those years.
Syria should be carefull about who come to Syria from after what the ungratefull lebanese to the sacrefises of the fourteen thouthads syrians who died to save lebanon did in the last few months,with what the lebanese acusing Syria and stimulating unjust acusatins by the US i am surprised how generous Syria and how long the syrian people will continue in beleiving in the Arab nation as it seems the only arabs left are in SYRIA. of note while secetery rice was bad mouthing Syria no one stood up and asked for aproof to her acusation.naim
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:18 am
I want to ask ,why would any syrian official have any money or assets outside Syria in uerop or the US ,naim
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:38 am
"In other news, Israel continued its bombardment of Southern Lebanon, and dropped leaflets warning the Lebanese that they will be held responsible for any border violence."
The chutzpah ! We bomb you but don't you dare fighting back!
' the US has frozen the assets of Interior Minister Ghazi Kanaan and the former head Military Intelligence for Lebanon, Rustum Ghazali "
Where is that money ? If in Lebanon, why does the US intervene? Has Loubnan exchanged one master for another ? and why do these two have money outside Syria anyway ?
People who want to come and do dammage in Syria can enter thru another border.Let's not be petty. It was time to go and off we went. No sense in taking revenge.
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:27 am