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Tuesday, May 24, 2005 

And the UN says it's Bye Bye Syria

The UN has confirmed the withdrawal of all Syrian troops from Lebanese land. They said that they couldn't confirm whether all intelligence officers had left too (well, they are supposed to be 'secret' aren't they - although with Syrian mukhabaraat, they stand out like a sore thumb, everyone knows their friendly neighbourhood mukhabaraat!).

It's the final official step in the Syrian withdrawal. It is now official: Syria's presence in Lebanon has ended - after 30 years. We might wait another thirty years before the American 'carrot' is presented to Damascus.

This 'carrot' will only show up once a Syrian-Israeli peace treaty is signed. The retreat from Lebanon by far doesn't have the same impact compared to the one such a treaty would have. In fact, do you think that as long as the European carrot of the Association Agreement exists, Bashar can sleep like a log?

Carrots sticks up the EU and US's ASS.

Assad Senior knew the game very well,

Unlike Assad Junior whose taking Syria to hell,

His daddy threatened violence and then with Israelis shook hands..

This dude doesn't know where Syria stands..

The reality is known, the US is now more dominant..

A fact Bashabisho knows, he needs has he no informant?

Screw Pan Arabism those days are gone..

No Arabic leader will stand with him, they all changed their tone..

From now until the end of June, just sit watch..

the next month for Syria is like an egg waiting to hatch..

Syria wants a peacedeal and has said it and tried to reach out to Israel many many times..But Sharone said latley he won't ever give Golan back not even for a complete peace deal and cooperation and anything.
he and all who support that, many I guess..do not care for peace with Syria.

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  • Written by sasa
  • From Damascus, Syria
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